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Code of Ethics

v Do NOT drive the client’s car for any reason.


v Do NOT transport the client in your car for any reason.


v Do NOT consume the client’s food or drink (except water, also able to use client’s bathroom)


v Do NOT discuss personal problems or religious or political beliefs with the client.


v Do NOT accept gifts or tips (items, things or monetary).


v Do NOT bring other persons (including children) to the client’s home.


v Do NOT consume alcoholic beverages or use medicine or drugs for purposes other than medical, in the client’s home or prior to service delivery.


v Do NOT smoke in the client’s home.


v Do NOT solicit or accept money or good for personal gain from the client.


v Do NOT violate the client’s privacy and confidentiality of information and records.


v Do NOT purchase any item from the client even at fair market value.


v Do NOT assume control of the financial and/or personal affairs of the client or of his/her estate including power of attorney, conservatorship, or guardianship.


v Do NOT move in with the client, nor spend additional time with the client outside of scheduled work time.


v Do NOT take anything from the client or remove any items from the client’s home.


v Do NOT commit any act of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation toward the client or any persons in their home.

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Missouri does require use of EVV for all Patient Care Service (PCS) participants and their caregivers, even if they live together. For information about who is required to use EVV, visit the Missouri Department of Social Services Electronic Visit Verification (MO DSS EVV) web page,

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